Summer Scents & Managing Residential Waste

By Cromwell Polythene Ltd
schedule12th May 22

The spring/summer season is upon us, with nights getting lighter and the weather getting warmer. Whatever season we enter, waste is guaranteed and must be handled appropriately, however, the change in seasons should prompt us to take additional waste management steps.

Scents of Summer

The warmer weather is excellent for crops and agriculture but can have some adverse effects on waste. Rising temperatures will heat your residential waste, producing profound odours from the bins. The increase in temperatures and heat exposure to the waste allows for bacteria to grow faster and smells to intensify, travel longer, and also linger. Although loose waste is often affected first – captured and contained rubbish will soon follow in emitting odours.

Contaminated Waste

You may think undesirable smells are limited to general or organic waste, however, dry recyclables can be equally prone to unpleasant aromas. This typically happens when dry recyclable waste becomes contaminated, even a small amount of contamination, like excess food or liquids can produce scent issues. Contamination can often originate from either ineffective cleaning or mixing with organic waste.

Pest & Loose Waste

Unpleasant smells can lead to a knock-on issue, pests. Bad smells may not only attract flies but have the potential to attract rodents and birds too.

On top of sanitary and safety issues, pests can also damage the integrity of the bag, exposing the contents which could lead to spillages. If waste leaks out of the bins, it can cause harm to wildlife and inflict dangerous consequences on the surrounding environment Sustainable Solutions

Weather and waste can both be unpredictable and inevitable, but being proactive through effective waste management can help to prevent scent issues from occurring.

Scent Controlled bags – Sansafe® are our award-winning scented and anti-microbial liners which are specifically manufactured to incorporate both Biomaster® and Scentmaster® technology. Biomaster® silver antimicrobial technology is added during the film extrusion process to protect against harmful bacteria and it is proven to reduce growth by up to 99.99%. Scentmaster® pine tree fragrance helps mask unpleasant odours, both inside and outside the liners.

Thicker bags – The thicker or stronger your refuse sack is, the harder it will be for pests and rodents to tear the material and break into it. Heavy duty bags ensure the safe capture and containment of waste in tougher environments.

Clean waste – Contaminated waste is often far more prone to producing smells and attracting pests to the waste. The easiest and most effective way of avoiding this is to prevent the contamination altogether. Simple steps like cleaning recyclables and ensuring they are free from the residue of food and liquids before we place them into the recycling will limit contamination levels.

Enclosing your waste – Keep waste bags sealed at all times and try to ensure they do not overflow. If overflow is unavoidable, compact your waste bags down so you are able to close the lid of the bin. This will contain potential smells and deter pests.


Crackdown on your waste management during the summer months, to help prevent the adverse effects of the warmer weather and its issues with waste. Talk to our team to discuss some of the previously mentioned products.